CHIARA BONI La Petite Robe

FW 2025/2026

CHIARA BONI La Petite Robe has redefined modern elegance since its inception in 2007, bringing a distinctive and innovative approach to dressing. The brand has attracted the attention of international retailers thanks to its skillful use of a high-performance and eco-sustainable material, the iconic, Italian-made jersey, whose performance and cut give CHIARA BONI La Petite Robe garments an impeccable fit. Today the brand enriches its collections with a cross-section of the highest quality materials, such as wool, cotton, silk, and fine yarns.

In 2019 CHIARA BONI La Petite Robe measured its garments footprint and had it certified by the competent authority. It’s the first womenswear brand adopting the European PEF (Product Environmental Footprint). CHIARA BONI La Petite Robe proudly entirely manufacturing in Italy its figure transforming garments. This means to offer high quality fashion clothes and there is no huge amount emission to transport them, because all happens in the same country, at few kilometres distance.

Sales Campaign

28/01/25 - 03/03/25


via Fatebenefratelli 3, Milano (MI)

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 09.30-18.30


+39 339 3109489
Piazza Duomo, 31 - 20122 Milano
Tel +39.02.7771081 - Fax +39.02.77710850